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Click here  for latest scholarship availability in Republic of Korea
Advisory for Indian Students
South Korea has increasingly been attracting international students into their undergraduate, graduate and research programmes. There are about 400 National and private universities and some universities have state of the art research facilities in several emerging scientific fields.

Universities that are oriented towards internationalization conduct 30% of their lectures in English. Graduate programmes have more lectures in English than undergraduate courses. There are some universities where all the courses are taught in English. Another option is to enroll in Korean language course prior to the academic session.

The academic year starts in March. A prospective student should start making preparations one year prior to the intended time of arrival.

Tuition fee varies depending on the university and national universities are cheaper than private ones.

Major universities in Korea and their websites are as follows:

Some of the Korean schools where Indian students are studying, includes

Seoul National University http://www.useoul.edu/
Yonsei University http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/eng/
Korea University http://korea.edu/
Ewha Women’s University http://ewha.ac.kr/english
South Korea offers many scholarships that are provided by the Korean government as well as by other organizations. Some scholarships are meant for Indian students specifically while others are for international students in general. One may also go to the university websites directly to see the availability of scholarships for international students.

1. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology offers government scholarships for higher education to Indian students. It covers tuition fee, monthly allowance, medical insurance and a round trip airfare. The notifications are announced in the Ministry of HRD, Government of India website

2. Samsung Electronics has created the Global Scholarship Programme for promising students in several counties including India with the aim of recruiting them into their company. SE provides two kinds of scholarships

a. GSP (MS Program) through Seoul National University
b. GSP (MBA Program) through Sung Kyun Kwan University
The Scholarship provides for tuition, monthly allowance, dormitory expenses, monthly allowance, and round trip airfare, internship in Samsung Electronics and employment in the company.

3. There are other scholarships which may be found in the following Korean government website http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr as well as another website
Research Students

The RoK government provides scholarship to international graduate students for either one of the following courses:
1) Master's course: 3 years (1 year of Korean language course & 2 years of master's course) OR
2) Doctoral course: 4 years (1 year of Korean language course & 3 years of doctoral course) Scholarship Payment is as follows: (subject to change and actual contract)
-Airfare: A round-trip economy class ticket
-Monthly Allowance: 900,000 won per month
-Research Allowance: 210,000 won for students in humane and social sciences; 240,000 won for students in natural and mechanic sciences per semester
-Relocation Allowance: 200,000 won upon arrival
-Language Training Fee: The full costs up to 1 year (NIIED pays directly to the entrusted language institution)
-Tuitions: The full entrance fee is exempted by the host institution. The full tuition is exempted by NIIED.
-Dissertation Printing Costs: Up to 500,000 won will be reimbursed for the costs related to a dissertation printing. (Up to 800,000 won for art or physical education course)
-Medical Insurance: 15,000 won per month
For application form and details please visit the website http://www.niied.go.kr/
Click on Korean Government Scholarship Students Link
And then Notice No. 3
Student Visa
A student visa (D-2), is a prerequisite before departure for South Korea and may be obtained from the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in India, New Delhi http://ind.mofat.go.kr/kor/as/ind/main/index.jsp

OR the Consulate of the Republic of Korea in India, Mumbai http://ind-mumbai.mofat.go.kr/eng/as/ind-mumbai/main/index.jsp

The following are the documents required for submission:
  • Certificate of admission issued by the president of the college or university, which includes decision on the scholastic and financial ability
  • Certificate of the last school attended (Copy of the mark sheet & passing certificate)
  • Letter of personal reference of financial affidavit
  • Bank Statement in case fee is paid by the student
  • In case of Research Scholar - Documents proving the Research Activity
General Living Conditions
It is ideal to be able to stay on campus in a dormitory. However, one may also explore options of living outside the campus in a one room flat, a boarding house for students or as a paying guest with a Korean family.
Though the general public does not speak much English, most university students and young people tend to speak English and in fact like to talk to foreigners to practice spoken English. South Korea has a well developed public transport system with a metro and bus system that is convenient and quick.

Most Korean food is non-vegetarian but one can also find vegetarian food, other international food, fast food as well as Indian restaurants. University campuses have canteens at reasonable rates.

As in most developed countries, the price of daily commodities is high compared to India.
Important Contacts and Links for Indian Students
1. Yonsei University – Ms. Salna Sunny, Ph.D course
Contact: 010-6668-8993

2. Korea University – Mr. Nitin Kumar, Masters Course
Contact: 010-2497-2411

3. Seoul National University – Mr. Satyanshu Srivastava, Masters Course
Contact: 010-5895-2311

Seoul National University – Dr. Rohidas Arote, Post doctoral Candidate
Contact: 010-2991-0585
ISA@SNU website: http://isasnu.blogspot.com

4. Chungnam National University, Daejeon – Mr. Jayakumar Perumal, Ph.D Candidate
Contact: 010-5842-0323

5. KAIST, Daejeon – Mr. R. Arockin Kumar, Ph.D Candidate
Contact: 010-8673-5323

6. Indians in Korea: http://www.indiansinkorea.com/

37-3, Hannam Dong, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-210. Tel : 82-2-798-4257, 798-4268 / Fax : 82-2-796-9534
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