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Media report on Press Briefing on the first International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21 June 2015_Chosun Ilbo

VikramDoraiswami,the Ambassador of India to Seoul(6th from the right) &the Representatives of Korean Yoga Associations. / photograph by Reporter Lee Duk-hun

Curtain Raiser Press Briefing at ICC Seoul
on the first International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21 June 2015

"Yoga is Life" said Ambassador of India to S.Korea Vikram Doraiswami, describing 'yoga' in a word. The Embassy of India organized a curtain raiser press briefing on 5 June 2015 at Indian Culture Center located Hanmam-dong, Seoul about the activities planned under the first International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21 June 2015. On December 11 in 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga. The declaration came after the call for the adoption of 21 June as International Day of Yoga by Indian Prime Minister, NarendraModion September 27, 2014.

The Ambassador, who is an evangelist of Yoga,praised Yoga, saying “Yoga is a part of my life. In the morning, I start my day with practicing the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana pose). This pose stretches and strengthens the back muscles.” “After coming to Korea, I am practicing Yoga even more often. I have been very busy, and for about a month I could not have even one day off from work. Yoga helps me whenever I was under stress,” he added. He came to Korea on the 13 of last month and has been busy to prepare Defense Minister’s Visit and Prime Minister’s State Visit to S. Korea.

Ambassador enjoys practicing ‘Peacock Pose’. Peacock pose is an advanced pose that rests all body weigh on the hands and elbows. “In India, Yoga is considered as a part of life. I wish the Korean see Yoga as a way of life, not just as an Indian culture.

10 representatives from Korean Yoga Associations participated in the press briefing on 5 June. These associations will hold IDY events in Seoul, Pusan and Daegu on 21 June. Many of them gave up their stable careers such as working as teacher, researcher and employees inmajor companies toestablish yoga associations. It was surprising that all of them, whohad just met on that day, were talking each other as if they had been old friends. Han, Yoo-jin(36), the Director of Aim Yoga research & education institute, who was there as one of the associationrepresentatives,gave reporter the secret of their closeness, saying “Yoga is not is not about exercise but a way of life. That is how we can become friends from the very first moment when meet someone.”

Reported by Lee Beolchan

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